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7 Tips For Receiving Performance Feedback At Work

Receiving feedback is an essential part of our development as professionals. It helps us identify our strengths and weaknesses so that we can work on improving ourselves. However, many of us find it challenging to handle feedback – especially when it is negative.

There are a few different ways to receive feedback. You can receive it in person, via email, phone, or video. If you handle feedback constructively and positively, it can be a powerful tool for professional development and career growth.

Keep reading for seven tips on handling feedback at work like a pro!

The importance of receiving feedback

Feedback can help you improve your work-life balance, performance, and skills. How you respond to feedback can significantly impact your overall compensation, upward mobility in your career, and ability to maintain a good personal brand. Throughout your career, you'll want to receive feedback on your deliverables or work products to boost your annual performance ratings and on your overall development to build your case for career promotion. This means being open to hearing what others say, even if it's not what you want to hear, and being responsive and empathetic when receiving feedback. Those who can create a good reputation as someone receptive to feedback will attract better opportunities and maintain more robust networks within the workplace.

#1 Be feedback ready

To be feedback ready, be prepared to receive feedback at any time. This means that you should not be defensive when you receive it and should be open to hearing what the other person says. When you get feedback, you must be aware of your nonverbal cues. Keep a relaxed body posture and avoid crossing your arms or legs. It can also be helpful to have a notebook or pen and paper handy to take notes on what the other person is saying. This will help you to remember the feedback and to reflect on it later.

Here are a few ways to make yourself feedback-ready:

  • Be available for feedback any time someone wants to give it to you. This can be as simple as being in the office at the same time every day so that people can talk with you or setting a schedule for checking your email and phone frequently so that you're always aware of what's happening around you.

  • Never get defensive or argumentative; listen neutrally and try not to interrupt, provide excuses or change the subject when someone is giving feedback.

  • Remember that feedback is about improving your work, not tearing you down. If someone offers input that makes you feel uncomfortable or upset, take a step back and try to remember why they're giving it to you in the first place.

  • Ask for feedback; you'll be more receptive and prepared to receive it. It's also a great way to take control of your personal development.

#2 Accept feedback graciously

When you receive feedback, try to see it from the other person’s point of view and avoid reading into what is being said as a personal attack. Remember, feedback is given to help you improve your current role, build healthier working relationships with your team, or to develop you for your next role. Once you have heard what the other person has to say, take a few moments to digest the information and ask questions for clarification or to get more info but don't dismiss the feedback. It's better to get feedback than to be stuck in your role with no understanding of how to grow -- so be thankful.

# 3 Reflect on feedback and make changes

After you have received feedback, take some time to reflect on it. What did the other person say? Do you agree with them? What changes do you need to make to improve? It can be helpful to talk to someone else who is objective about the feedback you received. This can help you develop an improvement plan and be more accountable for following through. This will demonstrate you are taking the feedback seriously and committed to making changes for your career development and growth.

#4 Be honest with yourself

No matter how great you think you are, there's always room for improvement -- and that's okay! Everyone has an opportunity to improve in some way, shape, or form, so be honest with yourself. If someone points out a weakness, it's easy to get defensive but avoid the temptation to do so. Instead, be thankful for the feedback and use it to improve or prove them wrong. Remember, feedback is a gift - without it, you're left in the dark, so don't squander the opportunity to see if others' perceptions of you are lining up with your reality.

#5 Keep track of feedback

Keep track of all the positive and negative feedback received and the improvement opportunities. This will help you build an excellent performance summary for year-end to get credit for all of your accomplishments and growth for the performance year.

#6 Make time each day to self-reflect

There are many opportunities to improve at work, and it's essential to make time each day to reflect on what you can do better to give feedback to yourself. Think about how you interact with others, your effectiveness in carrying out tasks, or your ability to create a positive team environment. By constantly evaluating and improving upon the areas where you excel, you'll be able to foster a better work-life balance and build a more supportive network.

#7 Follow-through and follow-up

When you receive feedback, you must take the time to show that you've heard the feedback and are taking it seriously. You can do this by following up with the person who gave you the feedback and letting them know what you're doing to make sure their feedback is incorporated into your work. By taking the time to follow up, you show that you appreciate the feedback and are committed to using it to improve your work.


Feedback is integral to professional development and can mean a world of difference to your overall compensation and upward mobility so take all feedback seriously. Giving and receiving feedback is equally hard to do, so be thankful -- it's truly a gift. You're receiving feedback because someone cares, even if the message is tough to hear because if they didn't care, you wouldn't receive any feedback. Want to learn more about the art of receiving feedback, listen to Episode 7: the art of receiving feedback.

About Yes Girl Career Coaching: Yes Girl Career Coaching is a platform dedicated to empowering women in corporate environments to own their career journey. Want to get free coaching and career tools, sign-up for a free coaching session on our website


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